Desktop Publishing

Excel / PowerPoint / Word
  Learning Objective-  The learner will produce PowerPoint, Excel, and Word publications using computer software with at least an 80% accuracy rate by the end of this course.  
This three part assignment measures the teacher's ability to use applications such as Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and other publishing software programs.  Most students have met this proficiency with prerequisite classes.  However, as a requirement of ASCD, the pre-service teacher should demonstrate proficiencies using Desktop Publishing programs.

Assignment 1- Word, create three lesson plans and upload them to your website for evaluation.  You may use the three lesson plans that were created when you completed with the Technology Integration in the Classroom assignment.  

     How to insert a Hyperlink into a Word Document

Assignment 2- PowerPoint, Face-to-Face and Online classes have different requirements for this assignment.

Online Class- Upload at least three PowerPoint presentations to your website for evaluation.  You may use PowerPoint presentations that you have created previously, or from other sources.


Face-to-Face Class- If you have created a CPS clicker presentation, upload it to your website and present it during our class meeting.

  Assignment 3- Excel, create a grade book using the How to Create a Simple Grade book using Microsoft Excel 2003 instructional guide.  This assignment should take about 20 minutes to complete.  This document must be created by you, using/posting someone else's Excel document is considered to be cheating and, at the least, will result in a loss of points for the entire Desktop Publishing assignment both for you and the person who shared the document with you. 

After completing the Excel grade book spreadsheet, upload it to your website for evaluation.
  Multiple Intelligence Experiment- The objective of this activity is to integrate the use of Excel into a classroom experiment.  
  Additional Resources  

Real Player must be installed to view this video. To download Real Player please click HERE.

  Excel Spreadsheets  
  Open Office Download (This is an Open Source Desktop Publishing Program Similar to Microsoft Office. This is freeware and may be used to meet your classroom needs.)