Tusculum College  

Academic Misconduct

Cheating and plagiarism are violations of Ethics of Social Responsibility—one of the outcomes that has been identified as essential to the Civic Arts. Plagiarism is a form of academic dishonesty. It consists of knowingly presenting in writing or in speech the intellectual or creative work of others as if it were one’s own. This includes:

  1. Failing to identify direct or word-for-word quotations by use of appropriate symbols and reference to the source.
  2. Restating in your own words the work (ideas, conclusions, words) of another without reference to the source.
  3. Presenting as your own the creative work (for instance, music or photographs) of another without proper acknowledgment.

    Besides plagiarism, other forms of academic dishonesty include the following:
  4. Submitting the same work in two or more courses without significant modifications or expansion and without the approval of the instructors involved.
  5. Submitting purchased, borrowed, copied or specially commissioned work as if it were one’s own.
  6. Knowingly permitting others to submit your work under their names.
  7. Copying the work of others during an examination or other academic exercise.
  8. Knowingly allowing others to copy your work during an examination or other academic exercise.
  9. Using “cheat sheets” or any other unauthorized form of assistance during an exam, quiz or other academic exercise.
  10. Manipulating or fabricating data to support erroneous conclusions.

NOTE: AUTHORIZED HELP is encouraged and includes:

  • attendance at help sessions.
  • tutoring received with your instructor’s knowledge (responsible tutoring does not provide answers to specific assignments but focuses on general principles, concepts, rules and information, as well as on skills development).
  • work with Academic Resource Center or Student Support Services staff done with the knowledge of your instructor.

The effect of cheating within a community is to destroy the environment of honesty and trust on which the community depends. A dishonest performance diminishes the achievement of those who have worked hard and demonstrated real mastery of a subject. For this reason you are encouraged to confront peers who violate the standard of honesty by any form of cheating or plagiarism and, if necessary, to report their behavior to an appropriate authority (instructor, director or authorized college agency or body). No one but you can know if you should take the kind of action just described.



Stage 1 - In a case of unintentional or doubtful plagiarism, the student receives a written warning from the faculty member. Whether the student receives an “F” for the assignment is up to the faculty member.

Stage 2 - This stage is for an offense after warning or for a first offense in which the student knowingly and willfully engages in academic misconduct. The penalty is automatically an “F” in the course. The action is reported to the Admissions and Standards Committee. The student is warned in writing of the consequences of a future Stage 3 offense.

Stage 3 - Depending on where the student started (with unintentional or intentional violation), Stage 3 is for a second offense in cheating or a second or third offense in plagiarism. The penalty is an “F” in the course and suspension or expulsion from the College - a matter that is recorded on the student’s transcript. Most students suspended for academic misconduct may not be readmitted until one calendar from the date of their suspension. Most accredited institutions will deny admission to a student currently on suspension.